Updated on 7/5/2024

Message from Chorbishop sharbel Maroun

July 2024

Chorbishop sharbel Maroun

Beloved Parishioners and Friends of St. Maron,

May the grace of our Lord and God be with you always.

I pray that you are all well and enjoying your summer vacation while fulfilling your sacred vocation.

I know that many of you are traveling with your loved ones and I hope that you will all be safe and surrounded by the angels of God. For the few dozens of parishioners who are visiting Lebanon, I pray that your trip will be a fruitful and peaceful one and that you may enjoy every minute with your loved ones. Let us continue praying for peace, justice, and stability in Lebanon and Gaza and the whole Middle East.

The first week of July, the Maronite Church in the United States will be holding the 59th Annual Maronite Convention in Detroit, MI. We ask you to keep all the travelers and the conventioneers in your prayers. The theme of this convention will be "Maronite on Mission: Created. Called. Sent Forth" May we continue the journey together by fulfilling our mission and inviting others to get on board with us.

The third week of July the Church in the USA will hold the 10th Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis, IN. This is the first Eucharistic Congress in 83 years. May it bring a powerful revival to Catholics in America with a deeper love for Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. Please keep both of these events in your prayers.

Please remember all of your fellow parishioners in your prayers during this summer season and especially those who are sick, unemployed, lonely, weak and suffering spiritually, emotionally and physically. Ask God to grant them faith and strength so that they may carry their crosses with joy and thanksgiving.

May the Lord God bless each and every one of you and shower you with His grace and increase your faith so that you may love him more and love others for him.

Please, call upon me if I can be of any help.

ليحÙ?ظ الرب خطاكم
Devotedly yours,

Chorbishop sharbel Maroun

Lebanese Festival 2014

Our annual Lebanese Festival is quickly approaching on September 21-22, 2024.

It is essential to begin to get ready now and pitch in to prepare for our biggest annual community event.

We kindly ask you to join us to make this festival a BIG SUCCESS! Volunteer where you are needed. Setting up, preparing food to sell, staffing, booths, and cleaning up after the festival are just some of many volunteer needs to make a successful festival. More information about volunteer opportunities will follow.

We hope you will be able to join us to celebrate our Annual Lebanese Festival.  

Father Alejandro Landin

Welcome Bishop Elias Zaidan                           

We are honored and blessed to have our Shepherd Bishop Elias Zaidan in our midst for the Healing Liturgy on Tuesday, July 23rd at 6:00PM.

Please, join us in welcoming him. 

St Charbel

St. Sharbel Healing Liturgy, July 23rd

On July 23rd, the Feast of Saint Sharbel, at 6:00PM our Bishop Elias Zaidan will be celebrating the first Healing Liturgy with the presence of 60 holy relics, including Saint Sharbel and Saint Maron.

Take a note that every 23rd of each month we will be having a Healing Liturgy with a blessing with the oil of St. Sharbel.

We may need to change the date if the 23rd falls on the weekend or on any special holy day or event. So far, July 23rd and August 23rd are confirmed. We will continue to announce the dates as we go along.
Please, share this good news with your loved ones.  

Scholarship Available

Get to Know Deacon Elias Hazkial

I am Deacon Elias Hazkial, born and raised in Detroit, Michigan. Although Detroit is known as the "Motor City," we don't only make cars in Michigan. We also make priests! 

I am honored to follow in the paths of our treasured Maronite priests from Michigan: Bishop Gregory Mansour, Chorbishop Richard Saad, Father Vincent Farhat, Father George Hajj, and Father Tony Massad. I also follow in the path of my great-grandfather Tobias Harb, who was a priest in Lebanon and built the church in our hometown of Mchikha, in the Matn region.

I am looking forward to joining my predecessors and my ordination to the holy priesthood on Saint Elias Feast Day of next year, God willing: July 20, 2025. But there is a long road behind me that leads to this point in life. By the color of my beard, it is obvious that I was up to something else before I got here. The truth is, priesthood was never in my scope during my youth nor as a young adult. I entered the seminary at age 37, after two short yet accomplished careers in both civil law and automotive engineering.

my professional successes, our Lord Jesus Christ planted in my heart the burning desire to drop my work and follow him, as the Apostles James and John did. Well, not completely drop my old work:  I am being sent to Rome next Fall for further education in Eastern Canon (Church) Law. So, I will pick up legal practice once again. And I still enjoy tinkering with cars when I get the chance....

I am deeply grateful for your warm and sincere welcome to Minneapolis! I have heard so many great things about St. Maron's from past seminarians and priests, and now I get to experience it for myself. I know this summer will fly, but I am excited to serve you and to get to know you in the short time we will have together.  

Father Barakat

Welcome Father Barakat Youseff 

My name is Fr. Youssef Barakat. I’m from Zgharta, North Lebanon and a priest in Ehden-Zgharta, where I was born and raised.

I was ordained a priest on Sunday, February 7, 2016 , by Bishop Paul Abdel Sater. I am one of six siblings (3 boys and 3 girls). My mother raised us when my father passed away 30 years ago. We all live together in Zgharta, except for one brother, who lives in Spain.

Prior to becoming a priest, I was a soccer player for the Lebanon National Team. When I felt God was calling me to the priesthood, I was serving the elderly, the poor, and the disabled (physically and mentally). 

Caritas Lebanon USA

Caritas Lebanon is vital for providing assistance to the needy and less fortunate in Lebanon. Please be generous in donating to this cause.

For more information on Caritas Lebanon, please contact the office.

Our Clubs' Events and News

For more info, please contact the office or various club organizers



Lebanon American Men's Club

Meetings to resume in September


Wednesday, June 19 at 7pm at the church


Meetings to resume in September

St. Anne’s Club

Meetings to resume in September

St. Rafka Club

Meetings to resume in September

Saint Ann with Virgin Mary

St. Anne’s Club News

We welcome ladies to join one of the oldest clubs in our church.  Have you considered sharing your time and talents with the community of St. Maron’s through membership in the St. Anne’s Club?

Our club has one key goal – to support the Church. 

Saint Rafka

St. Rafka Club News

All men and women are encouraged to join this worthy club that has created many activities in our parish.
We offer fellowship, worship, service opportunities and fun activities. 

Saint Ann with Virgin Mary

Maronite Young Adults (MYA)

Young adults listen up!

If you are between the ages of 18 and 35, there’s an exciting invitation waiting for you.

Fellowship, faith, and fun - that’s the heart of this group. Whether you are seeking spiritual depth, meaningful connections, or simply a good time, you’re welcome here.

Contact Anthony Nasser or any member of the group. 

Important Dates 2024

July 4-7: NAM Convention in Detroit
September 21-22: Annual Festival 

Anniversary Papal Blessing

It has been a tradition in our parish to honor all active couples who are celebrating their 25th or 50th wedding anniversary. If you were married in another country or different church, we will not have record of your date. So, please let Abouna sharbel know at least 4 months to order the decree from Rome. May God bless all married couples.

Help the Needy - Talitha Cumi

God blesses those who come to the aid of the poor and rebukes those who turn away from them: "Give to him who begs from you, do not refuse him who would borrow from you"; "you received without pay, give without pay." It is by what they have done for the poor that Jesus Christ will recognize his chosen ones. When "the poor have the good news preached to them," it is the sign of Christ's presence.

Continue bringing food and items for FOOD SHELVES and gently-used clothing, household supplies (paper goods, cleaning items), new baby items (diapers, clothing, formula, food, blankets, etc.), and new school supplies. Let’s bring throughout winter. Jackets, mittens, scarves, socks, hats and boots also if you have them to share.

Whatever gets unused in your closets can be deeply appreciated and well-used by the needy. For any large items to donate, please contact Joannie Moses.

Thank you for your generosity!

Important Notice

Saint Maron’s church relies on proceeds from the weekly collection and other special events to support operating expenses and outreach in our community and across the world. Please consider making a donation online by clicking on this link (donate.stmaron.com). Your donation may be tax deductible and will be made securely and privately on Paypal. You don’t need to have a Paypal account. If you wish to donate for a particular purpose, you’ll be able to specify that in the comments area of your donation.

Thank you and may the Lord grant you faith and health.
~Chorbishop sharbel Maroun

Noursat Donation

Mr Fouad Mehawej Named Honorary Consul

We are very pleased and honored to host in our premises the Honorary Lebanese Consulate. We are proud of our brother Fouad Mehawej for being our Honorary Consul. We thank him for his kind service.  

See below further details and contact information:

Monthly Calendar

Our monthly schedule


St Maron's media archive

Monthly Bulletin

Our monthly bulletin

Registration Form

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Donate to St Maron's of Minneapolis

Make your charitable contribution to St Maron's of Minneapolis securely on Paypal.  
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